party is now my language as PARTA (par-ta) i had a Christmas parta at my school it was so cool they had a game room dance room eating room and movie room i mostly went to the dance room i
ate at the eating room to they had puppy chow pretzels and drinks like juice and punch we had an awesome time the dance room it was like everyone was in a circle and everyone went against each other it was cool spinning on heads robot also the worm and the songs were like black eyed peas and Taylor Swift i love Taylor swift and Christmas Jude is doing great eating laughing having tantrums and crying i love mom shes doing OK i think she is over stressed.mike i think is very stressed to i just feel like my family is like built over stressed and me and Jude are just kids we don't get anything but i love my family!

Yep a bit stressed, but we love you!