Monday, December 28, 2009


Lets go to the day before Christmas i looked at mom you know and asked can i open my Christmas eve present mom said of coarse yes and she said there they are 2 presents an 1 small tiny one and 1 big one i thought why the big one well i had to wait almost 10 minutes so mom could get her cell video camera camera all on and the video camera had to charge 5 more minutes then i opened it and i said dog stuff? and mike said why did you get dog stuff when she has a cat?then mom said then what do you think that means Em? I will show you a video in a while because what i did was priceless!

I got a dog know why i did that what i will show you in a couple of days is because i was siting in the car with mike going home the shut are highway to get to are house so it took about 3 hours to get actually by the driveway and it litterly took 10 minutes to get in the driveway so lets go back to the puppy named bigsby its a yorkie poo and i dont know why they put poo on the end of yorkie because they aint poo its solid black his name is bigsby and big brown eyes i got him on christmas my mom was panning to get bigsby on christmas eve but the funny part is that he had to fly and the only fly kennle was pink so he came in a pink cage and he follows me every where same with my mom when i leave mike was in a fight with mom talk wise and bigsby followed her and when mike came down stairs bigsby barked at him and bigsby is tiny about 4.4 pounds so it was so cute because he cant bark loud !

ps: I got rules with bigsby I would do the same if i had a kid rules like keep room clen so bigsby dosent eat it and feed him 3 times a day and 4 times to the bathroom

let me tell you having a dog is hard but i love him soooooooo much!

Friday, December 18, 2009


party is now my language as PARTA (par-ta) i had a Christmas parta at my school it was so cool they had a game room dance room eating room and movie room i mostly went to the dance room i ate at the eating room to they had puppy chow pretzels and drinks like juice and punch we had an awesome time the dance room it was like everyone was in a circle and everyone went against each other it was cool spinning on heads robot also the worm and the songs were like black eyed peas and Taylor Swift i love Taylor swift and Christmas Jude is doing great eating laughing having tantrums and crying i love mom shes doing OK i think she is over stressed.mike i think is very stressed to i just feel like my family is like built over stressed and me and Jude are just kids we don't get anything but i love my family!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I love my family so much i love my mom and dad also step dad my mom was the most prettiest women that day i think my mom was so nervous i wonder what dress I'm going to ware and look like i can only dream about it i love you mom
Jude is whinnier today and a little laugh mommy is so pretty love is what kids need to!

why does she think i dont do anything?

OK i get home from school at 3:00 it takes about 12 minutes to do homework and 45 minutes to do chores in less big things then its 60 minutes and kids play 1:00 mom gets home at 5:30 i only get maybe roughly about 2 hours i really need more play time i need friends social life sun air i really hate when my mom comes home and says what have you done and i say a lot like clean the counters pack my bag done some laundry and UN load the dishes and she says why didn't you load it i just really wanted to scream i mean can a kid get a break?
1.don't spank a child it will lead them to hit you!Put them into time out!
2.Remember you can ask me a question.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Some parents dont believe there kids when they say some one is evil especilly teachers my teacher was evil my mom even figured out it was that bad i spelled a game i had it to go to my dads since my mom and dad got divorcied she was out of the class room and i was cleaning it up and she came back in and yelled EMILY STOP PLAYING GAMES AND GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT! Really that mean man ok so sometimes she was nice but still mean teacher.

1.have a day for your self or you think you need time with your family than go out to eat or take a good bath or watch football can ask me any question about jude specil ed or just family i get help from my mom but mostly it is my idea

Monday, December 14, 2009

A thanks giving with tips

OK so i think you get what I'm doing a story a tip OK what a thanksgiving from poo! I hate Thanksgiving my Thanksgiving poo i was sick i couldn't go to any ones house we my family had a little thanksgiving i had a tummy virus it was bad pucking stomach acid and just awful i Had to eat BRAT Bananas Bread Rice Apple juice Apple sauce Toast my mom got steak that day i looked at my plate i had BRAT really steak shrimp fave thing none on my plate I just really hate thanksgiving!

tip.I have alot of things to vent my feelings white board,diary,and a cat 3 dogs and my bro we need to tell something about the person that is asking whats wrong so maybe get them one of the things.

2.If a kid is miss behaving maybe try any of these things take away what they most need but really don't, give them a choir list, no friends no TV,write about what they did ,read a book on manners did that not fun!,behavior chart,and a ll of the things i listed for really bad!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I love Jude!

we always have Jude and we will have memories happy and sad Remember kids need fun have them a special day devote it to them it will give them a day that they don't feel like a little bit of dirt on the ground since we don't have a lot of money maybe any of these

.arts and craft day

.going to the Gaylord

.local hotels fun things just to look at

.Christmas lights


.bake day(hot chocolate cookies)


.camp out in living room

.story time

.game day

Things like that Jude is eat ting again laughing crying normal fits OK pic time!

Hospital again

We visited the hospital just 2 weeks ago i haven't posted anything in a while because of it it was hard i was feeling like i was pushed in a corner it seemed like it was a fairytale that it didn't end well Jude well wasn't eating at all hes on a medicine called depakote it can cause liver failure. if you have a special needs kid make sure from my point of view that there sis or brother does these things

.They are just important

.They get to spending time with there friends

. They talk with there parents dad and mom sometimes about how they are feeling!

.They actually understand what is going on

.talk to them about school to make sure no one is picking on them!

that is what i would check Jude got blood, pee, and stoll taking it was very uncomfortable for me to watch it was hard to see my parents split because of me and people can try to convince me saying its not you Emily but it was one of my parent had to stay with Jude and one Had to stay with me last time my mom cry ed i think its my fault but don't cry i will show you a picture!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Have you been inspired?

Being inspired is one of life's most precious things! Jude is not good we figured out Jude has seizures a bad one named grandmal its a bad seizure he screams in between them its hard to watch but i love him. I am inspired by a web site named i have read alot of these things kids have done and i wanted to do something i made a program where i make boxes for the kids in the hospital i have visited 5 hospitals and made Halloween and Christmas boxes.
my site is i have also been on TV and in the fort worth star telegram.
helping kids is the greatest feeling you can make a charity.
Jude is in the hospital again hes not eating and i had to go to school without knowing what is wrong! My friend was nice and helped me she let me spend the night and i cry ed i just wanted my mom i wanted her so bad i dreamed about her.
1 person can make a difference see what you can do!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How it started?

Hi I'm Emily this is how it started! My mom was around 19 weeks it was this bad we sat down the breeze in my face frozen as a cold blooded animal. They told us your baby has an enlarge ventracl both my step dads and moms face drooped! We said how? The Doctor under his breath said a in utero stroke!
when we went home mike went up stairs mom went to take a bath those were there happy spots i walked upstairs and heard crying all thought the house and laid on my bed thinking why us? it went by 7 month es and we wound up in the ER my mom was pre-term labor i saw her one day and bonded with my mom next's 2 month es leaded to get baby stuff and she had JUDE like saint Jude for what we have gone through! Jude is a happy baby i will show you a pic when he was 1 month!!